No. 16 (2011): GFS

Measuring the reactivity of bilingual consumers to an alternative use of languages: a case study for the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia

University of Udine, Udine, Italy.
University of Udine, Udine, Italy.
University of Udine, Udine, Italy.

Peraulis clâf

  • Food preferences,
  • consumer behaviour,
  • languages,
  • conjoint analysis,
  • marketing

Cemût citâ

SILLANI, S., ROSA, F. and NASSIVERA, F. 2011. Measuring the reactivity of bilingual consumers to an alternative use of languages: a case study for the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. Gjornâl Furlan des Siencis - Friulian Journal of Science. 16, 16 (Jan. 2011), 59–75.


The general objective of this research is to test whether the use of non-official languages in marketing communication strategy can affect the consumers’ order of preference for food products. The sample of consumers used in the study is represented by university students living in the Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia where a local minority language (Friulian) is spoken1. Three languages have been compared to evaluate their impact on marketing communication: Italian (official language of the market), English (the global language) and Friulian representing the local language. Statistical analysis has been conducted by using the multivariate conjoint methodology approach able to rank the importance of the product’s attributes. The research has measured consumers’ responses to the language used in marketing communication and compared the reactions of consumers’ having different identities and language skills. The results have shown that the language that generates the maximum preference for a food product depends on the consumers’ identity and minority language skills, and on the communication-mix strategies adopted by the marketing companies. English language marketing has not increased the preference for products. Marketing messages in the minority language have produced a competitive advantage with minority consumers and emotionally stimulated the others.


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